
Livelihoods Training – Group 2

As part of the “ Women’s Leadership , Empowerment , Access & Protection (LEAP) project in Iraq”, supported by UN Women and the Government of Japan Kirkuk Safe Space staff Implement Livelihood training under cash for work programme, Ten women and girls received Salon and Handicrafts training during the period 14 October to 19-October,The training will provide women with skills to work a certain craft and obtain money for their efforts through cash for work program.

The training consisted of two parts, A perspective part and dealt with the following topics: (project management – market study – financial records – economic feasibility). Practical training, 5 women were trained on the profession of embroidery and how to sew hats and rims of clothing while the other 5 women were trained by the beneficiary of the previous project training on the profession of the salon on the normal makeup and brides makeup and how to choose the appropriate foundation for the skin and how to deal with hair colors.

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