
Capacity Building Training

As part of the “ Women’s Leadership , Empowerment , Access & Protection (LEAP) project in Iraq”, supported by UN Women and the Government of Japan Kirkuk Safe Space staff Implement capacity building training, Women’s committee received capacity building training during the period 26 October to 29 October on The relationship of economic empowerment to reducing violence and its relationship to sustainable peace  , Training aims they will transfer what they have learned through the training to other women.

The women’s committee consists of Civil Activists, Lawyers, Social Worker, Women leaders as organization director, Director of educational supervision, Assistant director and Director of quality in Kirkuk officer, in addition to a member of the gender team in the commission and women from the host community.

They were trained on the following topics (Violence and its types, Gender-based violence, extortion, harassment, CEDAW, Resolution 1325, Economic empowerment of women and girls and their relationship to sustainable peace).

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